Take a Leap of Faith & Just Do It!

Leap of faith pic

You know I often write about dreams and goals. One of my gifts is to encourage others to be all that they can be. I really believe that you can do anything you put your mind and effort into.


Even though you can really believe in yourself you can still be terrified. You can become paralyzed with fear of success, failure, rejection,etc. But the truth of the matter is most of what you fear is just in your head. It is all imagined. All of us know that to enjoy a swim in beautiful turquoise waters you have to get in. You can dream about it, imagine how it may feel… You can even watch others enjoy it but until you decide to get on in you are missing out.


Today’s post is really to encourage you to take a leap of faith and bet on you.Believe in the idea that you have and jump on in. It’s your time. Put your stuff out there. Take the chance that you may get a no at the audition. Take a chance that a rejection letter ay come back. Take a chance that if you apply you may not get the job. Take the chance because what if you get the part! What if they decide to publish your book! What if you get the job!


My friend take the leap of faith and believe that God has you. Know that where he guides he provides. No that he said he will never leave you or forsake you. Come on!! Take the leap. 🙂 It’s time…


Put a smile on your face. Expect the great and Just Do It!!


Thanks for stopping by! See you next time!



P.S. Make sure you check out my products and my coaching packages by clicking above. I have some really good stuff. 😉

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